Now I know many of you have heard this time and time again. Drinking water is very essential for hair growth. We all know that the skin is the largest organ of the human body. When you are dehydrated not only does your skin suffer so does your hair.
Water keeps the moisture level of the body well balanced.
There are many factors that play into how much water you should drink everyday. Are you active? How active are you? Where do you live? Are you breast feeding? Last but not least are you healthy?
No single formula fits every one. What I suggest is to always have water with you. So that when you start to get thirsty drink some water. It becomes habit when that all you have around you to drink. One of the things I live by is drinking to thirst. In other words I drink when I am thirsty.
Okay, so I can't forget about those of you who despise the taste of water. I have a couple of solutions for you. One of my favorite things to drink is Fruit infused water! That's when you place your fruit of choice in water allowing it to naturally flavor your water.
•2 sprigs of fresh organic mint, about 6 mint leaves
•1/2 mango, with the skin cut off and divide into about 6 slices.
Combine all the ingredients into a mason jar (cup of choice) with water and allow to infuse at room temperature for about 3-4 hours. Room temp allows the flavors to intensify faster. If you not making it to drink now don't fret. You can also place in the fridge and allow to infuse for about 12 hours.
Times to infuse are all on preference. After drinking it you can eat your fruit.
So not only are you getting your daily water intake you are also getting a healthy snack once you finish your water.
The rule of thumb is to drink at least 8 glasses of water a day. That doesn't mean you can't drink more that just means that is what you should aim for on a daily.
Good luck luck on your Healthy Hair and Body
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