Be you. The world will adjust.
Work with what you currently have! I can not stress that using what you currently have is so important. You don't have to spend a lot of money to get great quality.
Whether you have an iPhone or a dreadful Android (kidding, jk). The phones now come equipped with 4k capabilities. You just have to make a few adjustments to your phone settings. These are great for those of you that don't have it in your budget to get a fancy camera for both video and photos.
Here are a 5 TIPS to keep in mind when you are taking selfies with your phone:
Lighting - Natural lighting is what is going to make or break your picture quality.
Ditch the IG filters! I cringe when I see pictures posted with IG filters or Snapchat Filters.
You can utilize apps such as VSCO and Facetune to slightly touch up your pictures. I say slightly because you still want to look like yourself.
Set a Timer and go!
Hopefully these tips are helpful for you when taking both pictures and videos.
Examples of iPhone photos: