Happy Friday! Yay!
We are almost there. We have finally made it to Friday, lol. I was sitting here wrapping up my marketing pitch meetings when I realized there is so much no one told me about before starting my freelance business. So with that being said, I figured I would share some things I wish I knew before hand. In hopes I can help someone else. Whew chile... it has been a roller coaster!
Many will not understand this concept, but this is the hardest thing to grasp as an entrepreneur. You have to remain on task! Let's be honest I was that kid in college that procrastinated on EVERYTHING and I mean EVERYTHING. I was the student completing a 10-page paper the night before it was due. I am so embarrassed to say this.
What was lacking was my ability to stay on a schedule. I have since started working from home full-time I have had to be very discipled. There were days I didn't want to get out of bed to get work done. Just out of pure laziness, but once I put myself on a schedule for each client I was way more successful and productive.
1. Planners come in handy! Use them!
2. Set yourself reminders and don't forget to get your work done. Put timers on your phone of how long you will need to complete the task. Once that task is done move on to the next task.
3. Get a white board and hang it up in your little space that you dedicate for work. Put on there the tings that need to be done.
As a social media manager, I manage so many accounts that sometimes I forget that I also need to leverage my own blog, social media, and YouTube. I give so much of my ideas and creative juices to my clients. I am getting into space where I also automate my IG/FB page. What has really helped me when I am feeling stumped is doing things that I love, such as reading, watching YouTube videos, listening to podcast, and just really journaling. As I think of things and ideas I make notes on my phone or just put the note somewhere I can see it. Then later I can put my thoughts together. Remind you I am a Gemini and I always have a million projects in my head.
3. ART OF "NO"
The art of saying no can be hard for potential clients. The interview stage is not just for them it is for you as well. I got more into details about this on my YouTube video. However, it is important to say "no" to clients that do not fit your mold of things. Not saying no can bring you more stress than what you need. This is additional income with hopes to bring my business full-time (I am manifesting this!). I had to learn the hard way not all money is good money. I don't like my time being wasted. A lot of people don't realize I also work an 8-5 job. So when I am completing tasks or taking meetings I do them on my lunch breaks and on the times where I am not working. So losing out on money is fine. I am okay if I feel like the client isn't necessarily a good fit for me.
This is still something I am working on! I a struggling in this department because I want to help everyone out. Most of the people that I work with are small businesses. However I have started to realize my worth. I have had clients tell me that I am charging too low. They have even asked me to charge them more. I was in shock. That's when I started to know my worth.
My 1 Year business anniversary is April 23rd and I a beyond happy about this. I have grown so much and I have learned and still learning. To be completely honest! Social media is a ever changing thing. You are either moving with or ahead of the curve. Otherwise you will be left behind.
To book me for my services you can contact me by clicking here. If you know of a friend that may need my services send them my information. I am always here to help.
